Archive, Industry News

Drivers working alone the focus for WorkSafe WA

Workplace WA starts a lone-driver awareness campaign following the death of a driver from heat stroke

WorkSafe WA has started an inspection campaign focusing on truck drivers that work alone.

The campaign aims to raise awareness of the issues and follows a coroner’s recommendations and criticism related to the death in 2011 of driver Anthony Bradanovich who had been forced to abandon his bogged vehicle in the desert.

“The campaign will involve Inspectors visiting transport organisations to identify common safety risks and provide employers with information on how to comply with Occupational Safety and Health requirements,” WorkSafe WA says in a newsletter.

“The risk of injury or harm for people who work alone or work remotely may be increased because of difficulty contacting emergency services when they are required.

“Emergency situations may arise because of the sudden onset of a medical condition, accidental work-related injury or disease, exposure to the elements or extreme temperatures, or by becoming stranded without food or water.

“The consequences may be very serious and the injury or disease may be fatal.”

It points out that, under the Occupational Safety and Health Act and regulations, the minimum compliance requirements for workers working alone are:

  • The supply of clean, cool drinking water
  • That a means of communication is available for drivers to call for help in the case of an emergency
  • That there is a procedure for regular contact to be made with the driver
  • That drivers are trained in these contact procedures.


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