Archive, Industry News

Operators given chance to have their say

Operators nationwide to be given chance to provide their own views on the industry

Trucking operators throughout Australia will have a chance to give their own views on the industry through a survey set to take place during March and April.

The project, which is being carried out by market research company ACA Research, will aim to outline and identify the general and specific needs of the market and understand the perception of operators’ brands by the rest of the industry.

It will also identify any barriers to increasing market penetration and look at service gaps in the industry.

The interviewing process will involve 250 road freight companies across the country and the results will be offered to participating organisations in a detailed report of which participating.

The report is intended to provide some clear insight into the industry for operators during what is proving to be a tough time for companies.

All information gathered during the process will be kept confidential and enquires can be made by contacting the ACA via its website .

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