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BP builds emissions reporting into fuel card

BP develops emissions report for fuel card, allowing companies to detail emissions for greenhouse reporting

October 2, 2009

BP has incorporated emissions monitoring into its fuel cards, allowing companies to easily document fuel use in line with emissions reporting.

The ‘personal emission reports’ are available online for holders of BP Plus business cards.

According to a statement from BP Australia, the emissions report works by calculating the volume of the particular product used and the amount of greenhouse gases it gives off.

High-use transporters are bound to reporting their emissions under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) Act.

“All calculations contained in the reports are made using formulas and factors derived from the Department of Climate Change’s National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Technical Guidelines,” BP says.

“BP Plus customers can download emissions reports for their own information or reporting purposes, even if they are not required to report under NGERs.”

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