Australia, Transport Industry News

QTA calls for ‘forward thinking’ in HVNL review


Queensland Trucking Association (QTA) CEO Gary Mahon has written to the association’s members regarding the seven-year process of Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) review.

He says that it has been a frustrating process, and asks for the government to change its outlook on future law.

“After seven years of a laboured process that is badged as a review of the Heavy Vehicle National Law, I wish I could say that the future law is reflecting a substantial change in outlook by government in productivity enhancing policies and reforms,” Mahon says.

“Disappointingly, it reflects, if anything, an administrative update that continues to constrict and constrain productivity growth not boost it.

“What we need from our political leaders is a strong and open priority for freight productivity growth, along with boosting industry competitiveness. Opening up access and cutting red-tape is the starting point.”

Mahon says HVNL needs to greater reflect the needs of the Australian road freight industry.

“For a country whose population relies on road freight as a critical service, and will for years to come, this poses major concerns,” he says.

“Our nation relies on road freight to sustain our lifestyles and support our sparsely populated regional communities. Improving the national road freight network to provide at least one all weather corridor will make safer, more efficient connections, and will accelerate the investment in higher productivity vehicle combinations.

“This will also be critical as the industry starts to benchmark for ESG reporting towards lowering emission targets.

“With an ever increasing road freight task, we need to move that freight in the safest and most efficient way, and Australia has a comparative advantage in the market that is currently significantly under-utilised.”

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