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Suspended, cancelled drivers caught in NSW operation

As part of a raft of infringements issued during a NSW blitz, two drivers are facing serious charges


The New South Wales police have conducted an eight hour operation focusing on distribution trucks in Sydney, finding a range of defects and offences.

Labelled Operation Towards Zero, police and highway targeted small to medium rigid trucks in Parramatta, Blacktown, and Wetherill Park from 6am to 2pm on Monday.

Over the course of the operation the police issued seven infringements for not wearing seatbelts, two for speeding, 14 for load restraint breaches, seven for defects, and three for parking offences.

On two occasions the police distributed court attendance notices for over-weight loads and in three cases the taskforce reported substantial load breaches with issues arising from unsecure loads and unrestrained empty pallets.

Adding to the police’s haul was charges for a suspended driver and a cancelled driver, an issue highlighted by Traffic & Highway Patrol Command assistant commissioner John Hartley.

“To have trucks drivers with suspended or cancelled drivers licences, driving overweight, poorly loaded, and defective trucks, proves the worth of our work in preventing these trucks, drivers, and companies in becoming involved in further road trauma,” he says.

Hartley says as the state’s road toll sits at 240, 41 higher than the same time last year, there are plans to expand the operation to other road user groups.

“We are there to ensure those drivers, loaders, and particularly customers are focussed on the safety of their trucks, employees, and goods, in order to reduce serious injury and fatal crashes on our roads,” he says.

 On a positive note, no truck driver tested positive to drugs or was found over the alcohol limit.



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