Roadworks, Transport Industry News

Toowoomba North South Corridor project cancelled

The Queensland government has axed the proposed Toowoomba North South Corridor project.

The Queensland government has announced that the proposed North South Corridor through Toowoomba has been scrapped following consultation with the community between July and October this year.

Queensland’s Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) says that it will now work with the Toowoomba Regional Council to identify alternate transport solutions that maximise the use of existing road infrastructure to address Toowoomba’s future transport needs.

“We are a government that listens to our community and we are extremely grateful to everyone that has provided us with feedback, detailed submissions or even just shared their story with us,” Queensland transport minister Mark Bailey says.

“On critical, large projects such as this proposed north south transport corridor, it’s important that the community has a say.

“That’s why we do community consultation, so that we can change and pivot to reflect the needs of the community.”

Queensland’s TMR received more than 4,000 responses throughout the three-month community consultation phase.

The Queensland government says that the community feedback received shows there is support for solutions to address expected future growth in Toowoomba.

However, the feedback made it clear that future growth needs to be balanced against concerns raised by some community members in relation to different aspects of the proposed project.

“Toowoomba is growing and that is a great thing for the community because it means jobs and prosperity,” Bailey says.

“I want to thank everyone who took the time to prepare submissions, meet with the project team and provide general feedback about the proposed transport corridor.”

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