The trucking industry's focus will switch to the NSW Central Coast on March 15 for the 2009 Central Coast Truck Show
By Greg Bush
The 2009 Central Coast Truck Show, to be held on Sunday, March 15, is gearing up to be another monster event.
Held at the Mingara Recreation Club, Mingara Drive, Tumbi Umbi in NSW, gleaming prime movers will compete for trophies in every category.
Truck entry is $75, while public entry is $15 for adults, pensioners $5 and kids under 13 free.
Entertainment includes free kids’ rides, market stalls, trade displays, bucking bull ride plus music from country rock band the Noll Brothers (Shannon Noll’s older siblings and former backing musicians), Georgia White and Jessie Fairweather. MC for the day will be 94.1FM’s Chris James.
All monies raised will go to the Children’s Cancer Institute Australia.
For further information phone Dallas Fabian on 0417 285 047, email or go to