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Warrego Highway speed limits to drop

Warrego Highway

Part of one of Queensland’s major freight routes will have its speed limit permanently dropped, with a spate of serious incidents around Hatton Vale on the Warrego Highway the catalyst for the reduction.

A 2.62-kilometre section of road between Summerholm Road and Fairway Drive will be reduced from the existing limit of 100 km/h down to 80 km/h.

Traffic volumes on the major freight route have seen a dramatic increase in recent years due to residential and commercial development in the Lockyear Valley.

The reduction in speed limit is expected to decrease the number and severity of crashes and create more frequent and larger gaps in traffic to allow road users to turn safely.

Department of Transport and Main Roads Southern Regional Director Bill Lansbury says the changes have been made in conjunction with feedback from the local community.

“We’ve listened to the Hatton Vale community’s concerns about the safety of road users along the Warrego Highway and have reduced the speed limit,” Lansbury says.

“In the last five years there have been 22 injury crashes on this 2.62km section of the major freight route.

“The Department of Transport and Main Roads is committed to road safety through providing a safe environment for all road users and implementing safety initiatives to reduce the likelihood and severity of a crash.

“We urge all road users to observe the new speed limit and to always drive to conditions.”

Hatton Vale is located roughly 70km west of Brisbane.

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